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tricksplit and splitrun

Ever wanted to move faster around the map while eating more players than before? Try split-running! Here is how to do so:

1. Make sure you have a teammate and over 200 mass total.
2. Split once for some players and make sure your teammate splits for what you have behind your main piece- your smaller pieces. 
3. Repeat until you've gotten the hang of it. It's that simple. Split-run when you're small, medium size, or even when you're the biggest blobs together on the leaderboard!


You've probably heard of trick-splitting many times, but what is trick-splitting? It's a very simple technique for eating players that are fleeing from you. Here are the steps:

1. Find a player to eat. Note that this only works if you, your teammate, and the enemy are all medium sized and up.
2. Tell your teammate (or you could just do it) to split a bunch of times in the direction of the enemy player. Make sure you don't feed the enemy by mistake! 
3. Once that is done, quickly split into the direction of the enemy player while eating your teammates pieces. Don't eat all of your teammate by mistake!
4. After eating your teammate's pieces, you should be big enough to eat the enemy.
i eat sumuri's :O
i think he copied grifins thread...
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A lot.

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