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Registration Date: 06-22-2019
Date of Birth: 03-08-2004 (20 years old)
Local Time: 12-10-2024 at 02:30 PM

xRENDEx's Forum Info
Joined: 06-22-2019
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Total Posts: 194 (0.1 posts per day | 0.2 percent of total posts)
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Total Likes Received 236 (0.12 per day | 0.67 percent of total )
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Reputation: 13 [Details]
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Additional Info About xRENDEx
Location: Sweden
Bio: Been playing Agma since 2018 Feb, liked it ever since
I am 16 years old when I am writing this and I come from Sweden and in my free time I like to bike with my friends and I 3 times a week train long distance runner, I am also very interested in cars, music and in life itself, I try to stay postitive 24/7 :)
I am a ex-Staff for the Agma discord and I also used tomoderate ingame and I can no longer accept your custom skins!
My discord is; alexx02245
My Youtube is;
And if you would like, you can use my referral link;
Sex: Male

xRENDEx's Signature
My discord is alexx#4007
[Image: unknown.png]

Rest in piece Fidget Spinner skin