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The Party community is dead ( WARNING for all exp players thinking of going to party)
Hello everyone, 

So as many of the people here who are actively come and look at the forums every once in a while you are teamers in FFA or EXP , probably belonging to a clan with some friends and enjoying daily fights with other people in call and having fun, you may read posts saying " if you have skill go party men! " or something along those lines, and you may think to yourself " hey he/she has a point, why dont I evolve my skill and play in party mode, I will eventually get good join a clan and be in a more competitive family / group" .... this is where you are tricked/misled... the agar community party mode is dead OR 

1. Any clans on TS or anything that have any skill whatsoever will on maximum allow you to be in their teamspeak lobby just to sit there...
- they will make ( the clans) takeover videos and tell you to come to their TS advertising and implying if you are good... you can play with them! 
- you will enter the TS and not be able to Message any of the members or anyone who even knows any of the members because they have anti PM 
- you will not join any of the games or any of their group chats 
- most of the time you cannot chat in the lobby but some clans allow this... and MOST OF THE CHAT IS BASICALLY TRASH TALK ON EATCH OTHER.... litrally if you ask people to play in any of these party clans they will just shit talk you " who plays agar "  " wtf" " cancerrrr gammeeee" ...

2. Any person you will talk to for the most part will fall into the category: 
- people like you who trained and are wanting to play in clan but there is nobody to play with 
- shit people who are 10 years old and make their own discord clans 
- people who will yell at you for ANY mistake.. and i mean any.. 1 mistake in any game is responded by " oh your trash" and dismissal of your existance.. forever.. im 100% serious, 1 mistake? and you are a maggot.. thats it.. 

Second catigory : Random ogars party mode 

1. You will gain your first basic skills by playing with random ogars and getting some basics

something to know? 

- Anytime any good player ogar takesover.. they will kill all in tag saying following

" your all worthless noob shits, dont deserve to live I AM YOUR GOD" 

" kill yourselves noobs ahhahaha" 

or they will go to tag and savage all of the ogars....

Anyone who tells you otherwise of the party community is a LIAR.. you will waste your time and skill by trying to get good at party and its all for nothing.. even less then nothing, is kind of heartbreaking you build all of this skill and want to play in clan wars and hard games... and you have to deal with these toxic people..

I have tried for 1 month to get into a reputatable team.. and I am a good ogar party player.. I take about 3-10 servers a day with the 1 person I play with, I have left all teamspeak and discords.. 

Warning to all of you, these party players will abuse you and mistreat you, stay in exp, value your exp family, enjoy your clan wars and raids and stay happy Smile

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